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Vince Paolucci, M.S. Ed., LPCC-S, LICDC

Chief Operations Officer

Vince Paolucci began his professional career in 1994 as a case manager working with mentally disabled adults in Ashtabula. He came to the former D & E Counseling center in 1995, where he spent 14 years in several positions — including CPST worker, CPST supervisor, outpatient therapist, home based therapist and school based therapist.

His treatment modalities include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Brief-Solution Focused approaches and Motivational Interviewing. Mr. Paolucci’s management experience also includes eight years at the Mahoning County Board of Developmental Disabilities as a Service and Support Administrator Supervisor and as the Community Services Department Director.

Mr. Paolucci holds a Bachelor’s of Arts degree in Psychology with a minor in Criminal Justice, as well as a Master of Science Degree in Counseling from Youngstown State University. He is a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor with supervision designation and a Licensed Independent Chemical Dependency Counselor.