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Jordan Mazzi, MSSA, LISW-S

Therapist/CHW Coordinator

I went to undergrad at Ohio Dominican University where I played division II collegiate soccer for all four years and received my bachelor’s in social work along the way! We won
the division championship my senior year! I went to Case Western Reserve University and
received my master’s in social science administraƟon. I worked and had my internship at
Camp Cheerful in Strongsville working with adults with disabiliƟes and it was such an
amazing experience! I then worked at NaƟonwide Childrens Hospital in Columbus for 8
years in the Early Childhood Mental Health Program. I moved here because my fiancé got
residency at Mercy Health! We have a cute husky named Zeno. He is three years old and
so fun! In my free Ɵme I LOVE to travel, hike, be outside, read, sit in the sun, garden, take
care of my plants, and go to any event possible. Here at Alta, I work with the 0–6-year-old
populaƟon, will hopefully soon begin seeing pregnant moms, co-supervise the Baby Bump
program, and will be piloƟng a 4-6y/o Garden Group