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Dungeons & Dragons & Therapy? How Alta Adventurers takes social groups to a new realm.

Alta Behavioral Healthcare likes to explore areas of therapy that not many have ventured. Out newest social group is meant for heroes who are willing to go on adventures, take bold steps and…roll some dice?

The Alta Adventurers Social Group is a new  limited program being offered at Alta Behavioral Healthcare’s Boardman location. This program involves youth who want to make new friends and have fun along the way while they embark on epic journeys through the iconic roleplaying game of Dungeons & Dragons.

No social group or Dungeons & Dragons campaign would be complete without a fearless leader.  The Alta Adventurers was developed by Brandon Tharp, a Behavioral Interventionist at Alta and an online creator. He takes his mental health training and love of  Dungeons & Dragons and merges them into a unique social group for young adults ages 12-17.

“It’s been a blast and a dream come true, where I can take my professional career and my online career and mix them together.” says Tharp.

The biggest benefits from this social group is developing social skills by meeting people you’ve never met before. Group members will learn to build trust with each other and learn problem solving to accomplish tasks. When each player creates their character for the game, Tharp has them incorporate one trait that they want to work on in their real life. This helps them learn to deal with issues like anxiety in-game and then use those same skills to cope with these issues in real life.

Those the group is only limited right now, its popularity has grown so much that Brandon hopes to continue the group into the future.

For more information you can reach out to Brandon at:

[email protected]